Healthy Sleeping Habits

Do you get enough sleep? The general recommendation for most adults is to get between 7-9 hours per night. Despite the need for sleep, it is estimated that 50-70 million Americans suffer from some level of sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep can have many health effects including blood pressure issues, weight gain, weakened immunity, and memory problems. Healthy sleep habits are often overlooked, but are such a crucial pillar of health. I even recommend more sleep to my injured patients, as sleep is the body’s time to repair and sleep deprivation can reduce your ability to heal properly! Here are five fast and easy ways to improve your sleep quality.

1. Don’t drink caffeine too close to bedtime. Yeah, this is an obvious one! It has been found through research that consuming caffeine within 6 hours of going to bed worsened sleep quality. Find a time in the day to cut yourself off and stick to your rule.

2. Reduce exposure to blue light. What is blue light exactly? Blue light is the light emitted from screens, such as TV and smart phones. Blue light has been shown to reduce hormones like melatonin, which are responsible for relaxation and sleep. You could try turning off screens about two hours before bed. Another option is to purchase glasses that block blue light. Believe it or not, there’s even smart phone apps like “Koala Browser” that will block blue light from your phone for you!

3. Try being more consistent with your bedtime and wake up time. Getting on a regular schedule for sleep will train your body to be ready for rest at the same time every day. Our natural circadian rhythm aligns with the sun, so trying to time your sleep cycle closer to sunrise and sunset could be even more effective.

4. Try a melatonin supplement. Mentioned above, this is a natural hormone that aids in relaxation of the body and sleep. Taking roughly 1-5mg of melatonin before bed may be all you need for improved sleep. Of course, it’s always a good idea to consult with your PCP regarding this and ensure it won’t interfere with medications or other health conditions.

5. Improve your bedroom environment for sleep. Noise, temperature, and lighting will all affect sleep quality. Try to keep noise and light to an absolute minimum, particularly if it’s artificial. For most people, sleeping with a lower room temp can also be beneficial. 65 degrees seems to be the most optimal temperature, with a general range of comfort between 60-67 degrees.

I hope you find these 5 tips useful! Of course, there are other methods to improve sleep quality, but starting off in a simplified way can have great results. Whatever you do, don’t ignore poor sleep habits. Being well rested will pay off in so many ways and help you live happier and healthier on a daily basis.

– Dr Rob Liguori


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