Neck Pain Relief while at Work in Portland, ME

Hi, I'm Dr. Seann Murphy, and it's Dr. Chelsea Shultes here at Chiropractic & Sports Health. And I'm going to show you a good stretch that you can do, especially if you're an office worker is called the Bruggers Relief Position.

The Bruggers Relief Position Stretch

Okay, so many of you who have office jobs are sitting at a desk all day with not great posture, okay, your head comes forward, your shoulders are rounded. A lot of times your arms are rotated in your knees or rotated in, okay, so since you're in this position all day, what we want to do is kind of open everything up.

Performing the Bruggers Stretch

Okay, so we're gonna do, you're gonna sit up nice and tall. Okay, you're gonna roll those shoulders out, you're gonna open up your hips slightly. Okay? You're gonna bring your head back, and your chest up. Okay? And then you gotta bring your arms out to the side and bring those those thumbs back, okay? And you're going to kind of squeeze those shoulders back like this. Okay? So this is going to help counteract all of that kind of internal rotation slumping forward that you experienced during the workday. Okay, so you're going to hold this position for probably 30 seconds at a time. And then you can relax.

Okay, so this is something that you can kind of do throughout the workday. If you get a lot of tension in your neck in your upper back into even your lower back to help alleviate some of that stress that you feel sitting at the computer all day.

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